Team Members


  • Keith Kong
    Team Leader

  • Colin Cairncross
    Team Member

  • Seonaid Simpson
    Team Member

  • Rachel Barton
    Team Member

  • Grant Latto
    Team Member

  • Dana de Jonge
    Team Member

Support Crew

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Team Supporters

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Funds Raised So Far

Balance £1338   Outstanding £962
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Fundraising Summary

Total Funds Raised:
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Donations Received

Donor Name Donation Date Message
TFC £100 08/04/2013  
Doos & Barbara £100 07/03/2013 Go Team NSFW! We will be with you all the way (in spirit only of course, we do live in Australia after all!). We recommend starting with "1,000,000,000 green bottles standing on the wall" !!!
Mum and Dad £54 23/05/2013 Proud of you, Col
Joanne & James Cairncross £54 16/04/2013 £54 for 54 miles, you bunch of crazies! Good luck Mr C & the rest of Team NSFW : ) Love Mrs C & Mini C
Fiona and Ashley £50 15/05/2013 Keith - you are the wind beneath my wings!
Phil Wyllie £50 08/05/2013 Good Luck Team! Gutted I'm not taking part, but will be thinking of you every step of the way (apart from when I'm asleep :))
Donna £50 08/05/2013 Good luck everyone (rather the midge than the mosquito!)
Derek £50 06/05/2013 54 miles. that's a really, really long way to walk. I assume you have all made up a quiz to while away the long hours you are all going to spend with each other. Good luck everyone, enjoy!
Linda, Phoebe & Yasmin £50 16/04/2013 Good luck team NSFW! I am printing ���If found on ground, please drag to finish line��� on Keith���s back���enjoy the adventure! x
Vicky & Grant £50 05/04/2013 Best of luck crazy people. I am arranging a mascot for Phil to carry (it will be small and light!).
Grant £40 08/05/2013 The team are such an inspiration!! We'll manage it even if Colin has to carry us all on his back.
Jason T £30 14/05/2013 Don't forget your bagpipes!
James Broderick £30 10/05/2013  
Anne-Marie Gillon £30 29/04/2013 Good luck :)
Sandra K £30 18/04/2013 Go Keith! I have every faith in you to finish this arduous challenge.
Terry £30 15/04/2013 That's the ransom paid ... now please give me my monkey.
Keith K £25 15/05/2013 Another life changing £25 won on the Premium Bonds!! Go me!!
Joanne Berry £25 13/05/2013  
Ali Woo £25 16/04/2013 Go Colin and Grant! Love Ali Woo and Mrs Woo xxx
Kerry Smith £25 09/04/2013 Good luck Rachel and the rest of the team x
Keith K £25 14/02/2013 Won a massive £25 on the Premium Bonds today so I'm donating it to the team.... Don't want it to change my lifestyle!
Catharine £20 06/05/2013 Good luck! (and don't forget the Skin so Soft...... ;o)
Fiona and Benjamin £20 03/05/2013 Good Luck!
Gareth Owen £20 30/04/2013 £20 for Rachel to do the walk in a Bristol City shirt...
Gerry Cameron £20 29/04/2013 Good Luck!
Robert Thallon £20 26/04/2013  
Jon Ghosh £20 22/04/2013 Good luck Keith and the rest of the team. Great cause, amazing challenge and - most importantly - cool team name. All the best.
P&J; £20 20/04/2013 Good luck team, especially the Bohemians amongst you!!
Iain G £20 18/04/2013 Enjoy - it was the longest wettest midgiest 24 hours of my life
Matt Munro'r Blackham £20 17/04/2013 Remember, Mountain Rescue is a phone call away, if you have signal....
Colin Harper £20 15/04/2013  
Gillian Bruce £20 15/04/2013 Orra best Colin n Grant! Love The Bruce's xx
David & Rosie Brown £20 08/04/2013 Per Ardua Ad Astra
pryan £20 06/04/2013 good luck!
Allan £10 07/05/2013 Seonaid, Here is a wee donation for some compeed as it will be yer best pal on the trip.
Susan Anderson £10 06/05/2013 Good Luck Dana xx
Shona Sandison £10 26/04/2013 Good Luck Colin & Grant. xxx
Kirsty Tomassi £10 22/04/2013 Good luck to you all, especially Colin and Grant! x
Gill Mackenzie £10 18/04/2013 Go for it guys Colin and Grant x
Malcolm & Jill French £10 16/04/2013  
Robert Laurie £10 08/04/2013 Good luck
Paul MacF £10 08/04/2013 Good luck Phil! Don���t forget your midge net!
Baby Stella £10 08/04/2013 Good luck! Love baby Stella x
leigh Shotliff £10 05/04/2013 good luck!!
Lisa Brooks £10 30/03/2013 Good Luck Rach!
Rita Assaad £10 29/03/2013 Happy Walking!
Nicola Frances £10 28/03/2013 Good luck Rach! This does not sound like fun... xx
Natalie Barker £10 21/02/2013 Good luck to you Keith and your team
lynn strang £5 05/05/2013 you can do it love lynn x
lisa dawkins £5 05/04/2013 all the best seonaid! love lisa d xx
Colin, Amy & Matilda x £5 03/04/2013 Go Rachel go!