Team Diary
The Training Has Begun!!!!
Scott - Team leader hear :-)
I'm 24 and live in Wst Lothian (in between Edinburgh and Glasgow). I'd say I'm a pretty fit young guy now.... Really into charity work.. I think it's a pretty important thing to do these days as money is tight for everyone but some people still need help and it amazes me to see people still giving generously!
I sent out a team training plan today so we can all get some training in and we know what each other is completing!!! I have recently finished up some training I was doing with Team Sky as I was being trained to complete a cycle with them.... In the process and since May I have lost 8.5 stone!! Yes that's correct... A whole person!!!!! :-). My plan is to work with The Glucose Patrol and in doing so loose another 1.5 stone as well as get fitter to enable me to hit my target of 10 stone lost!!!
Getting really excited now!!! Support crew found.....accommodation found......just need to find my mole light hat and I'm sorted!! ..... Haha I know ill need more than that :-) and in the words of Darren the #CalChall13 man!!! BLISTERS!!!!!!
Ill aim to have this updated every couple of weeks from the team so you will get to meet each of us through time!