Support Package Service

(THE 54 Teams only)


The Support Package Service (SPS) will support teams over the event weekend. We will organise your:

  • transport to and from the event 
  • Friday night accommodation
  • transport to the Start
  • baggage transfers to each checkpoint
  • catering
  • morale-boosting cheers down the course!

How does it work?

You will be picked up at one of the following locations in Scotland.


  • Edinburgh City Centre and airport
  • Glasgow City Centre and airport

The above pick up points are approximately 3.5 hours from Fort William.


You will be transferred by coach to Fort William for Registration on the Friday afternoon. The ideal time of arrival at Registration in Fort William would be 5.30pm, allowing an hour to register then check in to your accommodation, after which you will have plenty of time for a meal in town and any early night! 


We would aim to pick up participants from the above points between 12 - 2pm on the Friday before the event. Final details of all accommodation and transportation will be confirmed to each team/individual once full payment has been received.


On the morning of the event  you will be picked up at or close by your accommodation and transferred to the Start. We ask that each team leaves a kit bag at the Start containing all the relevant equipment and clothing you'll need for the challenge ahead. This bag is then transported ahead of you between checkpoints by event staff who will be there to welcome you and your team as you reach each checkpoint. Your main luggage will be transferred directly to the Finish for you to collect there.


We'll also provide food for you out on the course, including:

  • breakfast at your accommodation*
  • hot meal at Glen Nevis, Kinlochleven, Glencoe and Inveroran
  • breakfast at the Finish.

* this may vary depending on your accomodation and start time.


If any of your team need to retire from the event (we would ask that you try and retire at a checkpoint) there will be a vehicle ready to whisk you to the Finish to await the rest of your team.


Once you are ready to depart, we will transport you back to where we picked you up. We would be expecting buses to leave the Finish at approximately 6am, 9am, 11am on the Sunday. We will be in touch with team leaders to determine a suitable return time based on your team's estimated completion time and onward travel commitments.


Who's it for?

The Support Package is only available to teams taking part in THE 54. 


It's an ideal service for companies who are entering a number of teams, those travelling from further afield and for those who don't want the hassle of co-ordinating a support crew. It means you can put more effort towards the training and fundraising challenges without having to co-ordinate the logistics.


What exactly do you get for your money?

  • Collected from a pick up point in Edinburgh or Glasgow
  • Transferred to and from Registration then onto your accommodation.
  • 3 star standard hotel accommodation based on the package you book.
  • Transfer from accommodation to the Start.
  • Bags transferred between all checkpoints.
  • Food supplied at all the relevant checkpoints along the course.
  • Access to lit/heated area within marquees at each of the checkpoints.
  • Transport back to the Finish for retirees
  • Event staff/volunteers co-ordinating your logistics at each checkpoints.
  • Designated medical team and volunteers to help you at checkpoints.
  • Transport home from the Finish

How much does it cost?

The price for the 2016 event will be £250 per person


All transport to and from the event will be undertaken by road/coach.

How do I sign up?

If you are keen to take advantage of the new support package please contact the Events Team on:

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