Thank You!

Thank you from the Scottish Community Foundation

As this year’s Participants bask in the glow of the huge personal and shared achievement of completing the weekend’s Caledonian Challenge, we would like to thank each and every one of them for their dedication, passion and fundraising effort.


Each year we continue to be amazed by the enthusiasm, determination and camaraderie that drives our Participants through the double marathon, through the night and over the finish line. Completing the Caledonian Challenge is no mean feat and so we hope the memories of the camaraderie and stunning scenery stay with you for years to come!


In this, our 15th year, the RBS Caledonian Challenge has surpassed our expectations and generated almost £1 million.  All the funds that our Participants have raised will go towards helping enhance the lives of thousands of people in Scotland through much-needed local community based services and projects. It is awe-inspiring to see the RBS Caledonian Challenge teams working together and supporting each other and in turn, supporting Scotland’s communities – making a real difference that will change lives


All of this would not be possible without the dedication of people who take part, their support teams over the weekend and the fund-raising generosity of their family, friends and colleagues.  So a huge thank-you to you all!


We’re now busy planning our next event - the Caledonian 100 – a new team-based event based in the Cairngorms National Park where you choose a walking time and distance challenge to suit you. Taking place over 24-25 September it’s set to appeal to everyone’s sense of adventure so if the challenge bug has bitten then reserve your team place now at