trailblazer league tables

We are launching our new Trailblazer Competiton for the 2009 event. The purpose of the Trailblazer Competition is  to draw together the key elements of the RBS Caledonian Challenge in a fun, points-based competition.

Three Challenges in One!

Points will be awarded for performance in the 3 integral challenges of the event:

  • Physical Challenge – how quickly can each team complete the course.
  • Team Challenge – how well does each team work together, as evidenced by the number of team members to cross the line.
  • Fundraising Challenge – how much has each team raised.

Each team will need to nominate itself into one of our chosen industry sectors and will be placed into a league table along with other teams.There will be some great prizes going to the top three teams in each sector league table.

We will launch the Trailblazer Competition and League Tables on 15 May 2009, including more details on how the competition works.