Can I be a Marshal?

Almost certainly YES!

Are you:

  • Over 18?
  • Over 16 and working within a recognized youth group (Scouts,nCadets, Girl Guides etc), and have adults who can also volunteer at the Challenge?
  • Able to donate your time for all or part of the event weekend?
  • Able to travel to the West Highlands?
  • Friendly, enthusiastic and willing to work alongside others with a similar attitude?
  • Happy to work through the night where required to support increasingly tired participants?
  • Love spending time outdoors (whatever the weather!)?

If you can answer YES to all of the above we’d like to hear from you! Please download the Volunteer Marshals Form and fill in your details.

Please contact Fraser Lennox, Operations Manager [email protected] or 44 (0)131 524 0324 for further information.

The Marshal’s role

As one of Scotland’s oldest and most challenging fundraising events, the RBS Caledonian Challenge 2012 really is ‘The Walk of Your Life’. Participants have 24 hours to walk nearly 54 miles across some of Scotland’s most beautiful and rugged landscapes, relying on training, stamina, team support and reserves of energy previously unknown to reach the finish line. Teams raise thousands of pounds for the Scottish Community Foundation, which provides grants to communities and groups throughout Scotland.

However, the walkers would not get very far without the support and encouragement of marshals along the course. Many of our marshals are involved with groups who have benefited from grants from the Scottish Community Foundation. Working on the RBS Caledonian Challenge 2012 allows further funds to be raised to support their chosen charity.

A marshal’s job may be tiring and involve long hours but is always rewarding. The route runs through stunning scenery, and whilst at times you will be so busy you can only focus on your immediate surroundings, at other points you will have time for a breather and to appreciate the splendour of the mountains around you.

Encouraging, persuading, supporting and cheering on the walkers at each stage of the route is crucial to their success and vital for the overall smooth running of the Event. Alongside you will be 400 dedicated Support Crews, volunteers from the armed forces, therapists including physiotherapists and masseurs, and over 200 other volunteer marshals. Many of our volunteers return year after year to be part of this community spirit.

There is no such thing as a ‘typical’ marshal’s role, although the majority of our marshals are based at the Start, Finish or one of the four Checkpoints. Checkpoint marshals could be helping with aspects as diverse as ‘checking in’ the participants, directing them to the drinks stations, helping them to first aid, marshalling car parking, monitoring a road crossing, and always providing that all-important morale boost.

Whilst the rewards are great, do remember that a standard eight hour shift can be draining, and often involves being on your feet for long periods. Hot drinks and food are provided, but often marshals have to grab these when they have a spare moment, and eat ‘on-the-run’. If working through the night you will probably have very little sleep. It is particularly important that you allow yourself time to rest and sleep before driving home. Some of the Checkpoints are very exposed and if the weather is bad, warm and waterproof clothing is essential. And lastly, the infamous Scottish midge is particularly fond of some areas of the route. These tiny insects will be familiar to many of you, but for those who are less well-aquainted with the wee-bitey-ones it would be worth some brief research to discover exactly what you may encounter!

Please do think carefully about the challenging aspects of the role and whether you are physically and mentally prepared for these before applying. It is also very important to recognize that we rely on your commitment. PLEASE DO NOT sign up unless you are sure you can make it on the day!