Team Members


  • Gareth Phillips
    Team Leader

  • Mike Davies
    Team Member

  • Steve Wright
    Team Member

  • David Hargroves
    Team Member

  • Steve Lloyd
    Team Member

  • Andrew Kelly
    Team Member

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Funds Raised So Far

Target £5000   Balance £1820   Outstanding £3180
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Fundraising Summary

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Donations Received

Donor Name Donation Date Message
In Your Space £500 07/05/2011 Enjoy the trip!
Andrew Barnett £100 09/05/2011 Best of luck to Team WANC fropm Team UBIQ!
David Gittleson £100 04/05/2011  
The Denleys £100 04/05/2011 How will you all cope without attractive guides to spur you on?
steve atkinson £50 09/05/2011 Best of luck Andy
Spencer Berwin £50 09/05/2011 Good luck Andrew! from Spencer and everyone at JCDecaux
MARTIN BRADLEY £50 05/05/2011  
Nazz and Francesca £50 05/05/2011 Good luck from Nazz and Francesca
Bob and Julie £50 04/05/2011 still waiting for the 'photos to confirm you got to the top of Kiliminjaro and we want a donation to our trip to SA
Airpod Media £50 04/05/2011 Good luck Andrew from all at Airpod Media
Wayne Mansfield, Aviad £50 04/05/2011 Go NAdrew!!
Farrar Media £50 04/05/2011  
Tim Reason £30 05/05/2011 good luck on the challenge all of you...hope the feet hold up
Ed Howard-Williams £30 05/05/2011 Getting up Ben Nevis twice in one day sounds extremley daunting, I hope he appreciates it!
Hi-Tech Media £30 04/05/2011 Great team name.. good luck to you and all the wancers !!!
MediaCo Outdoor £30 04/05/2011 Hop the first third, walk on your hands for the second and you'll be on your kness for the final bit.
Rick £30 14/04/2011 I assume you will run the whole way ...
George Ducvkworth £25 07/05/2011 Good luck from George & Mary Duckworth
Vicki & Andy £25 06/05/2011 Good luck. Might even take a stroll up to the Crown to emulate your marathon hike.
James T £25 05/05/2011  
Alan Simmons £25 05/05/2011 You are a glutton for punishment but good luck - you are going to need it!
Yoko £25 04/05/2011  
Justin Stracey £20 06/05/2011  
Ticketyboo £20 06/05/2011 Good Luck to you all !! Ann & Peter Sutherland.
Andy Matthews £20 05/05/2011 Good Luck!
Mike Colling £20 05/05/2011 Good luck Andrew
Tom Richards £20 05/05/2011  
Alan V £20 04/05/2011 best knock this off in the morning leaving the afternoon for a few pints of heavy
Bondy £20 04/05/2011 Good luck Kellyman
Orlatha Conneely £20 04/05/2011 Good luck!
Lee Humphreys £20 04/05/2011 Can you just get old gracefully AK and stop making us all look so bad!
'The Edge' ( Jules) £15 04/05/2011 Only 54 miles!!!! should be a breeze
Dizzy £10 09/05/2011 Good luck Gareth and the rest of the team :)
Richard bon £10 06/05/2011 good luck andy ! might the foot be with you
Alice Chevallier £10 06/05/2011 I'll give you 20 quid if you run it
Cass MacIver £10 05/05/2011 Have fun!!!
Philip Jones £10 05/05/2011 Good Luck . I think you will be toiling at Tyndrum
Emma Clark £10 05/05/2011 Wow you are about to see what I think is the most beautiful area of Scotland - good luck ;-)
Barney Pratt £10 05/05/2011 Should be a walk in the park after last years Welsh training...!
James Willerton £10 05/05/2011 Best of luck Andrew!
Charlie £10 05/05/2011 Great team name - best of luck
Nick Williams £10 05/05/2011 You'll have to keep off the beer a bit more now Andy good luck!
ivan hughes £10 04/05/2011  
Matt O'Brien £10 04/05/2011 Good luck and don't forget the compeed
Mike Baker £10 04/05/2011 I don't believe the part about hopping
0828244 £10 16/04/2011 Have fun
lofty £10 14/04/2011  
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