Team Members


  • Chris Tomlinson
    Team Leader

  • Phil Addicott
    Team Member

  • Michael Houston
    Team Member

  • Jonathan Pearce
    Team Member

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  • Alastair Niven

  • Sandy Houston

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Funds Raised So Far

Target £2500   Balance £2757   Outstanding £-257
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Fundraising Summary

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Donations Received

Donor Name Donation Date Message
Jonny cash Donations £132 26/06/2011 Thanks to those who sponsored with cash and through the raffle. Told you I would drink it!
Mum and Dad Addicott £100 01/06/2011 Good luck fellas. You will deserve a beer when you finish.
Mum and Pops Tommo £100 25/05/2011 Maybe you should think about giving in gracefully to middle age guys, but lots of luck and love anyway. XX
Nev and Shaun @ Manifest £100 09/05/2011 All the best Jon and the rest of the team, Nev & Shaun from Manifest
John Pearce £100 28/04/2011  
Laura £53 03/06/2011 Good luck old man. With all the training youve been doing I doubt you need it xxx
Norma in Edinburgh £50 10/06/2011 Best of luck to you all!
Alison Houston £50 09/06/2011 Chez Ali(mum) and Lucy Lou will be ready to serve breakfast if you able to eat it
Isabel Pearce £50 06/06/2011 Good luck boys. Proud of you Joe x
Lucy Banks £50 04/06/2011  
Jimmy & Anne Sim £50 03/06/2011 A long slog good luck
Phil Addicott £50 23/05/2011 Do I get it back if we don't finish?
Neil Gibson £50 20/05/2011 As Harry Lauder said, keep right on to the end of the road, Phil
Will Martin £50 18/05/2011 Good Luck Chris and Team
BD £50 17/05/2011 Was the hat really necessary, Tommo? best of luck...
Hugh O'Connell £50 13/05/2011 Best of luck Jonny et al, fom Hugh, George and Isla
Carly £50 09/05/2011 Good luck to Jono and the gang!
The team at HTPR £50 09/05/2011 Good luck all!
Michael Houston £50 04/05/2011 God help me.
Chris Tomlinson £45 19/03/2011 Let's get the ball rolling!
Alphagraphics £30 13/06/2011 Hope the blisters aren't too bad!!!! Well done from all at Alphagraphics
Russell £30 12/06/2011 Well done fellas. Look forward to you announcing your place in the 100 mile challenge in September.
Dave Fletcher £30 10/06/2011 Good luck chaps! Hope it doesn't get too wet!
Linsey Houston £30 09/06/2011 Good Luck see you at the finish
Brian & Louise £30 06/06/2011 Your all crazy! But best of luck!!!!!
George £30 06/06/2011 Good Luck Jono - Looking forward to sharing your pain ( via pics only though ). Good Luck!!!! George x
IAN LIGHTFOOT £30 15/05/2011 Good luck team - so glad that Tommo did not manage to talk me into this one!
ashleigh, malc and tom £30 10/05/2011 Good luck jonathan and to all the team!
Carol Pettinger £30 04/05/2011 Hope you are training hard
Ross McLaughlin £27 06/06/2011 Good luck Arthur, plenty of Vasaline and will power!
Peter Henzell £25 16/06/2011 Well done Chris.
Rarity Family £25 07/06/2011 Good luck Tommo, how hard can it be? Hope you aren't as moany as Cazbo after it!!
Lisa B £25 06/06/2011 Loads and loads of luck, although you totally don't need it, all that case carrying in Asia was perfect training!
Cammy and Evie £25 03/06/2011 Cmon Arthur you can do it! (dont forget sweatband)
Rhys James £25 02/06/2011 Good luck Tommo and team - sounds like quite a walk!
Asa £25 02/06/2011 Hope the Asia Training Camp pays off ?!
Julia P £25 22/05/2011  
Martijn Thomassen £25 19/05/2011 You're weird! Good luck :-)
Chris & Hannah £25 18/05/2011 Good luck troops! Sorry for not being part of the support team. Chris & Hannah x.
Martin Hibbert £25 16/05/2011 Good luck Michael!
Tom FC £25 16/05/2011 Good luck, guys!
Erica Leeson £25 16/05/2011 Nutters!
Alison O'Connor £25 11/05/2011 Good luck!!
Carole £25 22/03/2011 Did I tell you that I did this a few years ago?? Just keep telling yourselves that it's only walking, how hard can it be... ha ha ha, how little you know xxx
Dave, Debby, Katie and Emily £20 20/06/2011 Congratulations! What an amazing achievement....just not as fast as Cazbo. Never mind!!
James Hunter £20 16/06/2011 Just making sure you completed it before I coughed up!! Well done.
Nikki Swan £20 14/06/2011 Well done TT! Hope you're enjoying a well earned rest
kevin bramley £20 08/06/2011 Good luck doesnt sound that difficult
Chris Teasdale £20 03/06/2011 Good luck guys!
Ricky Martin £20 03/06/2011 Good Luck! From Ricky Martin, aka Vicky&Martin;, xxx
Helen £20 02/06/2011 I can only imagine how rank your feet will be afterwards. Good luck xxx
Gavin C. £20 02/06/2011 Best wishes lads on this tough challenge. Winners make it happen!
Lesley McKay £20 02/06/2011 Get that go-faster fluorescent yellow headband on!
Clare Fraser £20 02/06/2011 Good luckio! xxx
Muffy £20 01/06/2011 Arthur for such an old man this is some challenge - i expect your sand raving sessions will pay off! Good luck!!! xxx
David Johnstone £20 30/05/2011 Michael - wishing you and the team all the best !
Ross & Fi £20 25/05/2011 Best of luck!
Alan Blair £20 23/05/2011 Best of luck, Alan & Dorothy
Char £20 17/05/2011 Good Luck!
Marjorie Calder £20 16/05/2011 You ARE mad but I wish you well. M
Phil C £20 16/05/2011 Thommo, So Carole does a marathon, and you go for a long walk.... :-) All the best.
Richard Gillespie-Brown £20 16/05/2011  
Sarah Sismey £20 16/05/2011 Good luck fellas! However, please feel free to stop doing sponsor things, as it's costing me a fortune!
Suzanne Cathery £20 15/05/2011 Good luck Tommo and team, sounds like an amazing challenge!
Paul Smith £20 13/05/2011 Good luck Michael
Charlie Leake £20 11/05/2011 Good luck - and take some plasters!
Kerry Tarran £20 11/05/2011 Good Luck to you all!
Mark Dale £20 11/05/2011 Best of luck Michael and team- try to enjoy it!!!
Greg Chalmers £20 10/05/2011 Good luck Michael and all - rather you than me!
Betty-Jane £20 05/05/2011 Happy rambling kids! To make sure training doesn't slip while we're on holiday, Michael's job will be going to get stuff whenever required - you should be covering at least one marathon a day Arthur. xxx
Amy Zydzienowski £20 05/05/2011 Good luck Tomo & buddies xx
Erica Hamnett £20 02/05/2011 Go get it Tigers :)) Good Luck!
Jamie McD £15 02/06/2011 All the best lads!
Allan Buchan £10 26/06/2011 Well done.
Elle £10 15/06/2011 Congratulations! Hope the feet recover soon ... sorry for delay.
Gav £10 15/06/2011 What about this question?
Allan Barr £10 15/06/2011 Well done that man!
Tim Cooke £10 13/06/2011 Good luck!
Charlie and Alison £10 10/06/2011 Best of british to you all!
Nicola Macnaughton £10 10/06/2011 Phil - I trust you are across this?
Chris B £10 09/06/2011 Take it one mile at a time and if you feel like throwing in the towel, just think: what would Frank Spencer do?
Jen £10 09/06/2011 Good luck! Just think of the cold pint at the finish line...
Stephen McCrossan £10 08/06/2011 Phil - Try the veal for all of us
Jane Phillips £10 03/06/2011 Go Jono go!
Dave C £10 28/05/2011 open wound swimming with sharks next? good luck Jonny & Co.
Liz Thorpe £10 23/05/2011 Good Luck Michael and the team. I hope the weather is kind to you. Liz .
Big Welshy aka Brian Welsh aka Not Ryan Giggs £10 23/05/2011 Phil Addicott; because you're worth it.
Bryan Garvie £10 20/05/2011 Good luck chaps... looks like Phil will need it.
Andrea Reeve £10 17/05/2011 Good Luck Tommo
Rebecca B £10 17/05/2011 Good luck Tommo - just put one foot in front of the other, you'll be grand!
Mark ansd Helen £10 14/05/2011 Good luck guys, hope it goes well.
Brian Hall £10 12/05/2011 Good luck and hope you have good weather !!
Lisa Davies £10 11/05/2011 Good luck!
Carolyn (Northgate) £10 04/05/2011 Good luck! Carolyn x
Max £10 02/05/2011 Good luck!
Becky & Peter (aka Dez Dawz) £10 28/04/2011 Go on boys !! We have every faith in you !!
Deb J £5 15/06/2011 Congrats Phil!
Roanna BIG £5 09/06/2011 Good Luck!
Janey BIG £5 20/05/2011 You look so cheery in your wee picture. I hope you're still smiling by the end. Looking forward to hearing all about it back at BIG towers... Janey
Jonny £5 18/05/2011 Good Luck!
Margaret Hall £5 11/05/2011 Good Luck
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