Team Members


  • Sonia Rutherford
    Team Leader
  • Jane Lyle
    Team Member
  • Alison Arnold
    Team Member
  • Jenny Lamb
    Team Member
  • Lorna Johnston
    Team Member

Support Crew

  • Scott Rutherford
  • Reuben Carr

Team Supporters

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 96 days 18:18:27

Fundraising Summary

Target Raised: 29%
Online Donations:
  Target: £3000
Offline Donations:
  Balance: £855
Credits Received:
  Outstanding: £2145
Total Funds Raised:

Donations Received

Donor Name Donation Date Message
Scott Rutherford £100 06/03/2010 To Lorna and Jenny, for services rendered, and on-stage 'strip'tease
Richard, Nicola & Megan £100 22/02/2010 Good Luck, we're very impressed!
Ian Johnston £100 15/02/2010 Keep smiling through the midges!
David A Lyle £100 09/02/2010 Good Luck to Jane and all the Team.
Liz Johnston £100 29/01/2010 Really this challenge is a bit nutty, but good luck!!
Gordon Johnston £100 21/01/2010 Good luck and enjoy yourselves.
On Good Form networking training £60 17/02/2010 Thanks for supporting On Good Form
Reuben Carr £50 22/02/2010 Please don't ask me to pop your blisters at the finish!
CB £20 03/03/2010 Good luck Ali and the team