Team Members


  • Jamie Lonsdale
    Team Leader

  • David Robertson
    Team Member

  • Kevin Lilburn
    Team Member

  • Andy Annett
    Team Member

  • Kenny MacDougall
    Team Member

Support Crew

  • Vicki Melvin

  • Fergus Melvin

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Funds Raised So Far

Target £3000   Balance £1574   Outstanding £1426
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Fundraising Summary

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Donations Received

Donor Name Donation Date Message
Richie £100 11/06/2010 via Yaz Faiz!
Donald Watt - Allied Surveyors £100 11/06/2010 All the best from Allied Surveyors
Love to you from Miami. Good luck everyone! £100 10/06/2010 For my friend, Kevin. Go for it! See you next week. Good luck!
Gong Communications £100 17/05/2010 Good Luck Andy and team. Best wishes all at Gong/Muse. xx
Ednie & John £54 01/06/2010 Rather you than us! Best of luck to all. Ednie & John
Joe McGladdery £50 11/06/2010 54 miles across the Highlands within 24 hours - best of luck!
Damien £50 09/06/2010 Kev - Happy to donate and the very best of luck. Hope that you've got the odd bootneck around to keep pushing your arse to the finish, because I know that you fly boys have soft feet! Let me know how you get on, Cheers,Damien.
David Doyle £50 09/06/2010  
Lettoch £50 02/06/2010 Good luck David. Hope you enjoy the Challenge. Sorry you can;t take your bike on this one!
Kevan Crosthwaite £50 30/05/2010 Hope you are in shape. Best of luck. Kevan
Martin Lightbody £50 19/05/2010 Good Luck
Dave Annett £50 18/05/2010 Aren't you too old to be doing this sort of thing. Hope you all enjoy - from Andy's little brother
Tom Paterson £50 12/05/2010 Jamie, are you insane. Ross had knee surgery after last years event! Surely the Rob Roy was enough for you. Best of luck.
Andy & Mo Dunlop £50 12/05/2010 Chaps best of luck and I hope you take the right footware this time Kev
Karen and Andy £33 09/06/2010 that's quite a loooong walk! good luck kevin and to your whole team!
Anonymous ( again!) £30 02/06/2010 Every little helps.....I think
David Campbell £30 27/05/2010 Come on the side.....
iain davidson £30 21/05/2010 Jamie, Lead like you did the 5th Fifteen & all will be well! Enjoy.......
Classic Travel £30 18/05/2010 Team leader, aye right, you'll be the one on the stretcher!!
Freya £30 17/05/2010 in support of the Southern Softie
Gordon Sim £30 12/05/2010 Hope you get good weather and few Tls along the way.
Graeme Forbes - Intelligent Capital Ltd £30 12/05/2010 A warm beer awaits you at the end!
Harvey & Co £30 12/05/2010  
Alec £27 09/06/2010 hope you'veall got someone to lift your legs into bed - the tops of your quads will cease to function! have fun
John Robertson £25 31/05/2010 Good luck David and the team - will be thinking about you!
good luck £25 19/05/2010 good luck
Martin Judd £25 17/05/2010 don't take all weekend, Jamie!
Donald and Gwen Stewart £25 13/05/2010 Enjoy
William Alexander £25 12/05/2010 A pint a mile should see you through!
Claire Harriman £20 09/06/2010 Hi Kev ... Have a great time!!! Wish I was with you.
Susan Bell £20 25/05/2010 Good luck! no doubt we will hear how you get on!
James and Melanie £20 17/05/2010 One day you'll appreciate the virtue of a pipe and some slippers.
Jim Walker £20 12/05/2010 Good Luck, you will need it!!
Susan Crosthwaite £20 12/05/2010 Hope that the feet are recovering!
Susan,ESOL, Langside £10 11/06/2010 Good luck Ken! Hope you have plenty of blister plasters...
Mick Gilluley £10 09/06/2010  
CJC £10 09/06/2010 Good luck Kev & the team - fabulous thing to do of a weekend!!
Fiona MacKinnon £5 12/06/2010 Good Luck.
Gillian Scott £5 11/06/2010 Good luck Ken and team!
Debs Lawson £5 09/06/2010 Good luck Kevin, hope it goes well.