At first the challenged were few in numbers but now the event has grown to become the largest corporate annual outdoor fund raising event in Scotland
1997 - 14 Walkers raised £16,000
32 Munros in 4 days
1998 - 51 Walkers raised £29,000
62 miles down the WHW within 24hours
1999 - 517 Walkers raised £300,000
52 miles down the WHW within 24hours
2000 - 547 Walkers raised £430,000
54 miles down the WHW within 24 hours
This year it is our target is to raise over ¾ of a million on behalf of the Scottish Community Foundation, a charity which provides financial support to local charitable activity in communities throughout Scotland. Grants made from the monies raised by this event have an emphasis on rural Scotland. At the local level even small grants can have a significant impact. Jane Hook, Buddies Club, Glasgow which was one of last year's beneficiaries said: "For special needs children, the world largely passes them by. With your help we are giving them somewhere to go, something to do, someone to meet." The cost of running the State Street Caledonian Challenge is met through registration fees and company sponsorship with all sums raised by walkers used directly in support of the community.
Should you or your company wish to contribute in the support of local communities, the Scottish Community Foundation is here to help. We offer a range of charitable initiatives and services which may be tailored according to your interests ensuring that your donation is applied to best effect. We currently work with over twenty companies and numerous individuals and the numbers of funds and supporters are increasing each year.
For more information on the work of the Scottish Community Foundation or to discuss effective tax efficient charitable donation, please contact Alan Hobbett, Chief Executive [email protected] or John Frame, Executive Director [email protected] The foundation's telephone number is: +44 (0) 131 225 9804.
This is hugely important!
The Government is encouraging a more giving spirit in Britain. Through the Gift Aid system charities can claim from the tax man tax paid on donations. Given the current basic rate of income tax we can claim an additional £28 on every £100 donated.
It is a straightforward system with 4 simple steps:
· Advise your donor that through Gift Aid the Foundation can reclaim
tax paid on their donation.
· Request the donor's consent to their donation being a Gift Aid donation.
· Enter the donor's details as indicated on the donor sheet.
· Forward your Gift Aid donor sheets, with your funds raised, to our
We do the rest. In each case, we will write to all donors thanking them for their support and confirming that their donation has been processed through the Gift Aid system.
All companies are able to off-set any charitable donations against corporation tax in their year end return. In this way, if a company donates £100 and pays corporation tax at 30%, the real term cost to the company is £70. It is important, however, that the company pays the full amount in the first instance and off-sets it against liability at the end of their financial year.
US Nationals
Any US nationals making a donation may do so by off-setting the sum against the US tax liability. For more information please contact the office.
Gift Aid does not impact upon the donor but greatly benefits the charity.