Foundation Scotland: New name, New Identity, Same Priorities
Posted on February 27th, 2013
Did you know that The Caledonian Challenge was established in 1996 specifically to provide funds for one single charity and that we (and you) have continued to support that charity for 17 years? The charity in question has recently undergone some changes and so that you can understand where your donations have, and will, be going, here is a [...]
Continue ReadingTeam Update - Highland Coos
Posted on January 14th, 2013
I am Carol Sharkey, the Team Leader for the Highland Coos and this is my second year participating in the Caledonian Challenge. Why I hear you ask? Well it`s such a fabulous event. Darren and the team do such a great job at the Edinburgh headquarters. They are extremely friendly and helpful and nothing is [...]
Continue ReadingHappy New Year!
Posted on January 5th, 2013
(When is it too late in the year to actually say that???) Anyway, this is the first official Caledonian Challenge / Hike blog EVER! To say that I am feeling the pressure is an understatement! If you don’t know us then The Caledonian Challenge / Hike is an amazing team charity event which will give [...]
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